Jennifer Rice has a strong campaign and things are going great! Here are some campaign highlights:
Jennifer Rice personally knocked on over 10,000 doors and listened to people's concerns and their expectations for the next city council. This allowed Jennifer to gain a clear understanding of city and community issues from the public’s perspective.
Jennifer received a large amount of support from people in all neighbourhoods across Ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi. Support is demonstrated by over 1,000 campaign signs on people's private property with their permission.
Jennifer built her platform based on the voices of the thousands of people she spoke with and people who completed the What Matters Most to You survey on her website. Her platform includes five key priorities with action items. Received only positive feedback on her platform.
Over 50 volunteers helped and handed out over 30,000 campaign brochures. Thank you to all volunteers!
There is one more month to go before the city election on October 18th. Please continue to support and vote for Jennifer Rice!
