Jennifer Rice
For Edmonton Ward
Jennifer Rice elected to represent Ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi.
Jennifer's thank-you message is here.
My Platform… Committed to meeting community needs
I am committed to narrowing the gap between what the City Council has done in the past and what is needed to meet our community’s needs of today and tomorrow.
The key focus areas of my platform, which you told me are important to you, are:
Core Municipal Responsibilities
Fiscal Efficiency
Community Safety
Infrastructure Improvements
Caring for Green Spaces

My Priorities… Informed by people in our community
Our community’s needs are defined by the people who live in our community. My heartfelt thank you to the thousands of people in Ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi who shared your thoughts with me, as this allows me to be Your Voice at City Hall. I recognize that Your Voice needs to be heard before City Council makes any major decisions that affect your neighbourhood.
It is my commitment to make informed data-driven decisions once elected. When making decisions, I will work hard to find common ground to get the best outcomes when there are multiple ways in which something can be done.
My Actions… Focused on core municipal responsibilities
Filling potholes, maintaining roadways and sidewalks, and keeping the snow cleared. Committed to taking care of our infrastructure, including keeping our roadways and sidewalks maintained. Keeping the snow cleared, especially in safety-sensitive areas, is something that needs to get done.
Enhancing community safety, including setting the right speed limits. We need to give our police the resources they need to keep our communities safe. Items such as preventing crime and ensuring traffic safety are important, as is improving community crosswalks. Speed limits should be evidence-based and make sense to the average person. We need to improve community lighting where requested by residents and get parking zones right to prevent blind spots on our streets to keep our children safe.
Getting value for our tax dollars and encouraging economic development. By spending our money wisely, we can keep our property taxes under control. If the city needs more money, an ideal way to achieve this is through economic development and creating a business-friendly environment. One item that needs a re-think is Edmonton's system of approving permits for businesses; the current process is very slow and this needs to be improved to benefit all Edmontonians. Another example of an opportunity to explore is determining how Edmonton can better embrace innovative technology.
Caring for our green spaces and improving community appearance. Our green spaces need to be protected, maintained, and kept clean. Cutting the grass on city-owned land needs to be done better. More garbage cans and park benches will be welcome additions, along with supporting our community gardens.
Ensuring access to recreational facilities and setting our community leagues up for success. Each neighbourhood should have reasonable access to a recreation centre or other recreation facilities. And let's not forget about playgrounds or spray parks - families with small children will benefit from these too. Offering basic support for our community leagues makes good sense to provide things like ice rinks and basketball courts and neighbourhood activities and events.
Revisiting garbage collection frequency. We need to take a look at how well the roll out of the new garbage collection system has worked, and make adjustments to the collection frequency as needed.
Supporting our seniors and caring for our vulnerable. Edmonton has people who are in need of community support. This can range from supporting our seniors to caring for other segments of our population. We can be fiscally responsible, work together with other levels of government, and find evidence-based ways to support those in need.
Other. More listening to people is needed to: determine whether we continue with infill and how we balance this with protecting our green spaces, how we improve our public transit system, how we approach bike path planning, and how we identify a path forward for economic development. As Ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi contains both urban and non-urban (rural annexed) neighbourhoods, we need to make sure city services and bylaws make sense for the type of neighbourhood. For all of these items, we need solutions that have broad community support.
Creating a better Edmonton for everyone
I recognize that Edmontonians want to see the value they are getting for their tax dollars. If I earn the honour of being elected as your representative, I commit to working collaboratively with all of City Council. In the big picture, we are part of one city and the entirety of City Council needs to work together for the benefit of all Edmontonians.
My platform will be updated as I learn of additional common community needs
If you feel that my platform should be updated to reflect additional common community needs, please let me know. I am committed to listening to every voice in our community.